Sunday, June 13, 2010

Once upon a time...........

there was a little girl who lived in a castle by the sea and was celebrating her '6th' birthday with her twin brother. An event planner was hired and she put together a grand party for the kids and parents. We arrived half an hour late because of my unreliable navigation system, but just in time as they were getting ready to serve pizza. The parents were asked to continue into the next room where we were greeted with tray passed h'ourderves and a full bar.

After lunch, the boys went to the water slide where Davy Jones (pirates of the caribbean) was waiting for them at the end of the slide.

The girls were escorted to the pool where they swam and played with a mermaid while The Little Mermaid watched over them.

Then they switched and the girls went to the water slide and the boys to the pool. As my son's friend ran in front of us he shouted "this is the best day of my life!"

The boys were greeted by the Little Mermaid and a pirate ship in the pool.

Dad made a new friend and did what he does best at birthday parties......chillin' [verb..definition: hanging out: event planner watching the kids].

Peter Pan served up sno-cones.

There was birthday cake. An event planner [noun..definition: lady in charge wearing green]

The boys and girls went on a treasure hunt in the pool. My daughter waited her turn, second in line, for the face painter who transformed her into a ladybug.

Then there was orange, green and blue smoke and the kids were told that Davy Jones was going to come back as a human.

While I was taking pictures of the treasure hunt and awaiting Davy Jones' human transformation, my husband waved to me and watched from the rooftop with the host and his new friends. I didn't make it in time.

Davy Jones' human tranformation wowed the kids, and left me in disbelief that I missed out on the elevator ride to the roof.

At the end of the party, there was an Awards Ceremony (all the kids won). I'm still pondering over the fact that the party is coming to an end and I missed out on the view from the roof top.

The end.


  1. Holy shit, is that what all the South Florida parties are like?

  2. Florida Girl....That's uschool for you!
